• Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand

Visiting Professorship


The aim of this Visiting Professorship is to assist with the funding for a member society to attract a senior surgeon to attend their scientific meeting and to visit and teach in 1-2 other institutions before or after the conference. Ideally the Visiting Professor will be a keynote speaker for the conference and would be expected to make a significant contribution to the host meeting but does not have to have the title of Professor.


The conference organizing committee of member society will send requests to the APFSSH Education Committee outlining the name of the surgeon for whom they are applying, what is to be expected from the Visiting Professor and a program for the pre- or post-conference visits by the Visiting Professor.

The organizing committee of the member society conference will have already invited the speaker and established a program for them. Once the speaker has accepted the invitation then the organizing committee will apply to the AFPSSH educational committee outlining their program and seek funding.

It is expected that the organizing committee will provide free registration for the Visiting Professor and assist where possible with travel and accommodation costs as well as assisting them in organising the additional education program.

The APFSSH Visiting Professor should be recognised as an expert in their field and be a published author. It is preferable that the Visiting Professor is from an APFSSH member nation.

The application should be received by the APFSSH Education Committee via the Secretariat before 1st December of the year prior the member society conference. Each member society may apply for only one Visiting Professor for the year.

Selection Criteria:

The decision of the Education committee will be based on the perceived value of the education program for the Visiting Professor and their planned contributions to the conference and the institutions that they visit.


The APFSSH will support one Visiting Professor to the value of SGD $5000 each year paid to the organizing committee. The successful surgeon will be acknowledged in all advertising as the APFSSH Visiting Professor. Whilst additional funding for this Professorship may be sought from trade partners etc. this will not impact on the naming rights for this position.


It is a requirement of the Professorship that after the conclusion of the Visiting Professorship that the organizing committee provides a report to the APFSSH Education Committee on how the funding was used and what the Visiting Professorship achieved.

It is also expected that either the Visiting Professor or a member of the host organizing committee will present their experience of the Visiting Professorship at the following APFSSH congress or in the APFSSH Newsletter.


The successful organizing committee and member society will indemnify the APFSSH and the Executive for any adverse events that may occur during the course of the Visiting Professor’s travels.

Email applications:
To: admin@apfssh.net
cc: Dr Clara Wong, Email: clara.wongclara@gmail.com

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